Petaluma to Costa Rica

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_MG_7271 _MG_8422 _MG_4994 _MG_7953 _MG_5244
Leaving the Chickens behind in Petaluma
Luke and Ellie, ready to go!
Goodbye, StarFire Farms!
Goodbye, Old House!
Goodbye, green pastures!
_MG_8396 _MG_8438 _MG_8478 _MG_8487 _MG_8512
Goodbye, for now, Golden Gate!
Driving through the southwest
Ellie may in New Mexico
Sunset in New Mexico
Ray, back in Texas
_MG_8517 _MG_8527 _MG_8548 _MG_8560 _MG_8563
Living on the road in the horse trailer
Deep in the heart of Texas, truck & trailer
Horses loaded into stalls
Up on the scissor lift and ready for loading
Here we go!
_MG_8566 _MG_8567 _MG_8597 _MG_8948 _MG_8972
Our plane in Miami Intl Airport
Inside the DC-8 cargo plane
We made it!
MIsha loves the beaches in Costa Rica
Elizabeth's dream - riding on the beach!

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