Petaluma to Costa Rica

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_MG_8767 IMGA0922 IMGA0934 IMGA0936 _MG_8911
Tired Ridley after laying eggs
Dancer in Alajuela
Costa Rican Ace Hardware Store
If I don't have it, you don't need it!
The horse trailer - Ouch!
_MG_8915 _MG_8925 DSCN5993 _MG_9293 house.pool.dusk.3
Luckily no one was hurt!
Back to the factory!
Jose & Joanna - we couldn't have done it without them!
Pool at The Sun House, our neighbors
The Sun House at dusk
_MG_9420 _MG_9437 _MG_9450 _MG_9454 _MG_9469
Watch this space for a barn, coming soon!
The building site, excavated for foundations
Retrieving some more indian pottery shards
More shards
Shards in trench wall, bottom left of photo
froghead _MG_9565 _MG_9569 _MG_9545 _MG_9548
Frog's head I found
Shards with designs
Chorotega designs
Clay head one of the workmen found
Chorotegan Kiss

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